Sound Diet Recipe – Oatmeal With Wood Ear Mushroom And Vegetables

Wood ear mushroom (Auricularia polytricha), is one of the most famous mushrooms in culinary world particularly in Chinese cooking. It is all the more generally known as tree ear, dry dark growth, silver ear, mook yee, or cloud ear. Cloud ear is an alternate sort of mushroom yet it is practically like wood ear mushroom. It is called wood ear mushroom since it becomes on a living or dead wood and resembles an ear. The dried and new sorts of wood ear mushroom are accessible available.

Wood ear mushroom has a strong structure amanita online shop and toughness. Its surface is like jam. New mushrooms will be crunchy when cooked. Adding the mushrooms into a soup will positively give a special surface and taste. The kind of this mushroom isn’t generally so solid as different mushrooms like clam mushroom or shitake. This mushroom has a little woods scent and hearty taste.

Dried wood ear mushrooms are plentiful in nutrient D, nutrient B1 and B2. In some exploration, it is presumed that this sort of mushroom is second most noteworthy in fiber. It contains iron three fold the amount of as in creature liver and calcium twice as much as in milk. It is additionally accepted to have numerous medical advantages, for example, to forestall coronary illness and blood coagulation. A few sources expressed that it has a few substances that can assist with bringing down cholesterol levels, forestall atherosclerosis, forestall disease, alleviate hemorrhoids indications, and work on stomach related wellbeing.

Here is a wood ear mushroom formula you can attempt. This is for two servings.


– 10 grams of wood ear mushrooms (absorbed water for one hour)]

– 500 grams of water

– 2 tablespoons of moment oats

– 70 grams of frozen vegetables

– Half a teaspoon of salt

– Half a teaspoon of ground pepper

– Half a teaspoon of garlic powder

Instructions to make it:

– Bring water to a bubble, put in the mushrooms. Cook them for some time.

– Add salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Mix it well.

– Add the oats bit by bit.

– Add frozen vegetables into it. Cook for some time.

– Ready to serve.

A couple of serving tips for variety:

1. Serve it alongside your day by day suppers.

2. Put in additional chicken or hamburger meat for additional protein.

Sustenance realities

– Energy: 85 calories

– Fat: 1 gram

– Carbohydrate: 15 gram

– Fiber: 9.5 gram

– Protein: 3.7 gram